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Przesłane: 2019-11-28 - 0 komentarz(y)

Colored precious gemstones, while readily available dating back many centuries ago, are quickly gaining popularity amongst brides to be across the world. Most notably the blue sapphire engagement ring has seen the strongest resurgence, made popular by the likes of Kate Middleton and the late Princess Diana. The colorful and vibrant allure of sapphires verses the purity and elegance of a diamond ring is something that all engagement ring shoppers should consider. Bear in mind that a sapphire of the same carat size will cost about a fraction of the price of a similar diamond, so for the cost conscious that should be taken into account as well.

When dealing with sapphires (as with a loose diamond) there are several characteristics that will have an effect on its beauty as observed by you, the wearer. The size, tone and saturation of color, clarity, and the cut of the gemstone are just a few factors to keep in mind. Although sapphires of many colors have always been in demand, the recent forerunner has been in the blue colored range. Even within the blue sapphire category there are a huge range of colors to consider so take your time to look at a few different stones before making your decision.

Our sales team at Italo Jewelry is very knowledgeable when it comes to dealing in these types of gemstones and can help guide you through the different types of stones. Our jewelry store features a large variety of finished sapphire engagement rings accented by brilliant diamonds. We also have an extensive collection of engagement ring settings all of which can be made for a sapphire center stone. Some may even prefer a custom ring from our Lepozzi handmade collection. You can make an appointment and we will be able to show you a selection of sapphires within the size, color and price range you have in mind so that you can make a confident purchase. Whatever the case may be, leave your options open and consider this beautiful precious gemstone to mark this momentous occasion. If you have any questions please contact us


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